zōēn is dedicated to helping those who struggle with fear, anxiety, and depression, or for those who just need some extra joy in the midst of a fallen, broken world. zōēn exists to help you discover the abundant life that Jesus offers to us today and for all of eternity.

Recent Posts

Christmas & Cows
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

Christmas & Cows

If you have ever been to our church in the winter, you know that we love Christmas! Somehow God brought together an entire team of people who agree it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Unlike many holiday haters, I love…

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How My Imagination Helped Me to Heal
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

How My Imagination Helped Me to Heal

Kids have the best imaginations. My youngest son can take twenty-two pine cones and turn them into two eleven-man NFL teams competing for the title of Super Bowl LVI Champion. A simple sand castle becomes an ancient village protecting its civilization from fire-breathing dragons. When I was younger, I once took a cardboard box…

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How to Bloom
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

How to Bloom

A few years ago, during a difficult season of depression and anxiety, I decided to attend a concert by Christian artist Phil Wickham. I had mixed feelings about cramming into a crowded church, but I liked this artist, so I decided to give it a try.

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How God Spoke Through a Song
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

How God Spoke Through a Song

I tried everything I could do to make “it” go away. I took medication. I saw an amazing counselor. I spent 40 days at a treatment facility, away from my family and across the country.

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Good News Between Two Trees
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

Good News Between Two Trees

On a shelf in my church office I have two model trees that I purchased from a local craft store. They only cost me $12.99, but the message they communicate is far more valuable.

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What I’ve Learned About Grief After Losing My Mom.
Andrew Tracy Andrew Tracy

What I’ve Learned About Grief After Losing My Mom.

I’ve learned a lot about grief these last few months. Last August my beautiful mom unexpectedly went to be with Jesus. This was something that I didn’t think I was prepared for… something that I had feared for a long time.

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“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10 (ESV)